O guia definitivo para missao cayo perico furtivo

This location is also in the middle of the island, where security is high. You will find the basket just next to some wooden boxes and a barrel.

Here’s how to find all six points of interest and complete this intel mission. You’ll also need to snap a picture on your phone of each one to successfully gather the intel.

Although the name of the island is "Cayo Perico"—which translates to Parakeet Cay in Spanish—Cayo Perico is not a cay in the topographic sense, and is actually a high island telling by its rocky topography and elevation.

You can usually get away with taking a photo of the general area, without getting an up close shot of the item. Here’s a quick map from Reddit user FeeneyMemey to see the locations in more detail.

Pelo, it's just broken af, CEO Quit has happened to me with 2,3,4, even when I was the CEO. At first I thought it was something to do with one player being Invite Only but now I think it's just a bug in Quick Job, it's never happened to me when invited/inviting.

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There are two cameras installed in the South Storage room with three secondary target slots. Cam 1 shows one cash/gold table, while cam 2 shows a cash/gold table and a painting slot. You need to pan all the way to the right to see the second cash/gold table.

Infiltration Points: There are eight infiltration points that determine how you enter the island during the heist. Having more infiltration points scoped out allows for more approach options.

Various artifacts around the island give hints to its history, including a cemetery near the airstrip, several collapsed obelisks, one of which forms the center point of a circular graveyard of 13 plots and remnants of the Spanish Empire, including Conquistador armour.

Currently, this disease is diagnosed through symptoms, hence the need to find biomarkers to help make more accurate diagnoses, so that these patients can access treatments that currently cannot.

While there are no native fauna seen on land, the wildlife is heard in abundance, including frogs, birds and snakes. A black panther is kept in captivity in El Rubio's compound.

Later, while on the island, take a ride with Rubio to the private beach. Wait for the party to start, and once it does, it’s read more about time we went gathering some information for the heist.

This one is found at the base of the sniper tower, located east of the same farm. There will be a stack of wooden planks at the base of the tower. The bolt cutters will be resting on these planks.

After you have the item run for the main door and a cutscene will start as you exit the compound. After the cutscene you will see a guy stood next to a motocross bike, knock him out and steal the bike.

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